Our coaching tool reveals your coachee’s passion, performance and energy so you can unlock their potential and help them find careers they love. No more struggling conversations where your coachee wants to focus on the negative.
Research shows that strengths-based coaching helps people, teams and organisations set the goals that bring success and enjoyment.
Strengths Profile is a holistic coaching tool that will help you to bring out the best in others by giving them the language, confidence and action plan to achieve their life or career goals. Help them to unlock their hidden potential with their unrealised strengths and prevent burnout by limiting their learned behaviours and weaknesses.
Learn MoreStrengths Profile is a scientifically robust tool that is scalable by providing tools and resources for you to embed strengths with your clients
With Accreditations and Toolkits, there is lots of help on hand to become an independent strengths expert at your own pace
Revealing four holistic categories helps reveal potential, set a clear development path, and steer your clients towards actions that make a difference to them personally and professionally
Buy Profiles and send them to others individually or as a group through your dashboard​
Choose to become an expert practitioner with our strengths Accreditation
Coach individuals, teams and organisations to have successful and rewarding careers
For coaches who are focused on deeper strengths development and want to use the Team Profile. Reveals all 60 strengths and where they feature within the 4 quadrants of realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses. The Profile also identifies Strengths Families to help you identify themes in your coachee’s strengths and action advice to help release the potential in their unrealised strengths. You also have the option to include the strengths career guide recommendations.
Learn MoreThe Leader Profile offers action and support for your coachees in Leading Yourself, Others and your Organisation within their unique 7 realised and unrealised strengths, 4 learned behaviours and 3 weaknesses. It offers development areas within the Strengths Families enabling leaders to recognise strengths patterns be successful through being their best self.
Please Note:The Expert Profile is included with the Leader Profile which provides advice on all 60 strengths. You can upgrade an existing Introductory Profile or Expert Profile using our upgrade profiles.
Learn MoreThe Team Profile reveals the combined data across each team member's Expert Profile. It reveals all 60 strengths within the team across the realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses, and includes the Strengths Families. Use to help teams understand their greatest areas for success and any potential areas to address.
Learn MoreComplete the online Strengths Profile Accreditation Programme to give you the theory and best practice to get the most from your coaching conversations. It will give you the confidence, with plenty of practice, to coach with the 60 strengths and the 4 categories. The final session is a live coaching session with a Cappfinity coach.
Learn MoreFor Strengths Profile Accredited Practitioners to become an expert in all areas of strengths coaching and take their application and knowledge to the next level. We give you the tools and resources to apply your existing strengths coaching deeper with individuals and also within teams, career and manager development.
Learn MoreWith 18 strengths conversations ready for you to use, the Coaching Toolkit will help you to apply strengths with your coachees in any situation. It includes focused topics around the popular areas of improving Confidence, Wellbeing, Leadership and Careers.
Learn MoreFacilitate your own team development session to help team members share and apply their strengths with our Facilitator Guide and workshop slides. Features 30+ exercises that focus on individual and team strengths, so you can put together a bespoke workshop to suit your team. Topics include self-awareness, goal focus, team SWOT and overcoming challenges.
Learn MoreJoin over 1 million people already being their Best SELF with Strengths Profile
Struggling with finding happiness and success? Make better life decisions by knowing what you do well and love to do. Find out the careers that match your strengths to make energising choices about your future.
Learn MoreIn need of a low-cost tool that encourages diversity and builds high performing teams? Our Profiles, Toolkits, and Training will teach you to embed a culture of success and engagement in your organisation.
Learn MoreWondering how to help students to develop confidence and career readiness they are excited and motivated about? Help them tell their authentic story to support their future choices and reveal the careers that match their strengths.
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