The Science behind Strengths Profile

We’ve helped over a million people to have a deeper and richer experience of their strengths through our robust scientific assessment.

Evidence-Based Research

The Strengths Profile assessment tool has been developed by Chartered Psychologists, scientists, and Positive Psychology experts.

The Strengths Profile assessment is unique in that it measures 3 elements for each of the 60 strengths, namely performance, energy, and frequency of use.

Our Brains Change

As our context, energy and circumstances change over time, we actively encourage the retaking of Strengths Profiles every 6-12 months.

Unlike other strengths-based approaches, the tool has been designed to measure change, growth, and development accurately.

Inclusive and Non-Bias

Strengths Profile measures responses without any bias towards people helping to create diverse and resilient teams.

The Strengths Profile assessment empowers everyone with the right language and appreciation, to support inclusive environments.

It's Difficult To Fake The Results

There may be a tendency to answer the questions in a way to gain the approval of others. Although it’s a self-assessment tool, your results are really quite difficult to fake.

Strengths Profile has been designed to deliver an incredibly well-rounded report to reflect your true uniqueness, which diminishes social desirability affecting the final result.

Focus On The Positive

We can’t change our genetics and upbringing but we can change the way we think.

Human brains are naturally hard-wired to focus on negativity, but this can take its toll on our well-being and happiness. Receiving science-backed validation on what we’re good at has been shown to improve self-esteem and boost engagement.

Find out more about The science behind Strengths Profile


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