Careers Development Toolkit


Careers Development Toolkit

What's Included:

Our Career Development e-Toolkit includes all you need to facilitate practical career coaching programmes with your students. Used by Career Services worldwide, this toolkit includes PowerPoint slides and interactive worksheets to use both in-person or virtually for strengths career conversations and workshops. Each career topic has practical guidance for preparing students for their future careers, as well as guidance on how to prepare students for Strengths-based assessments which are being used by 50% of graduate employers (ISE 2019).

Who Should Use It?

Career Services Professionals and Career Coaches who want to help their students and coachees to understand and develop their strengths, to be their Best SELF and to articulate their own story through strengths

What Will I Learn?

What's your ideal job? This can be the hardest question to answer at any stage, let alone as a student. Our Toolkit gives you the structure to facilitate practical career coaching conversations and workshops with your students. We take the hard work from thinking about how to apply the strengths-based approach through giving you strengths PowerPoint slides and interactive worksheets that focus on understanding where students want to go, their story and how their strengths will help them get there. You’ll be able to apply the Career Guide with confidence in your conversations.

Topics include:

  • Strengthening your self-awareness
  • Strengthening your CV, Interviews and Career preparations
  • Building and improving confidence through networking, resilience and self-talk
Learn more in our recent webinar

Careers Development Toolkit

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College is long on skills and experiences, but short on strategies for leveraging and showcasing them. This workshop helped students name and present their abilities for a variety of professions, which they recognized as exceptionally valuable. Colleen’s approach of identifying and exploring strengths, connecting that knowledge to their professional vocations, and developing a personal brand gave personalized, hands-on career development that aligned with the department’s creative and conscious culture.

Dr Julia Voss
Assistant Professor of English, Santa Clara University

Case Studies

  • The Warwick University logo

    Training the Student Careers team to increase self-awareness and interview and CV confidence

  • Practitioner Colleen shares her insights into strengths coaching and top tips

  • Identifying and developing students’ strengths to present their abilities in CVs and applications

Learn More

  • Your strengths legacy

    Strengthen your future with our blog tips on creating your legacy

  • Using strengths wisely

    Using our strengths enables us to enjoy endless benefits such as increasing our performance, goal achievement, happiness and confidence – and the list goes on. Be honest though, have you ever overplayed one of your strengths?

  • Accepting weaknesses

    We are often asked why did we call our weaknesses category in Strengths Profile as such and why not ‘growth opportunities’ or ‘development areas’.

  • It's all about energy

    When people talk about strengths, most will probably think about “the things I’m good at” and that’s why people misunderstand strengths.


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