
Our coaching tool reveals your coachee’s passion, performance and energy so you can unlock their potential and help them find careers they love. No more struggling conversations where your coachee wants to focus on the negative.

Research shows that strengths-based coaching helps people, teams and organisations set the goals that bring success and enjoyment.

Why coach with Strengths Profile?

Strengths Profile is a holistic coaching tool that will help you to bring out the best in others by giving them the language, confidence and action plan to achieve their life or career goals. Help them to unlock their hidden potential with their unrealised strengths and prevent burnout by limiting their learned behaviours and weaknesses.

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How do I coach with Strengths?​

  1. Buy Profiles

    Buy Profiles and send them to others individually or as a group through your dashboard​

  2. Become Accredited​

    Choose to become an expert practitioner with our strengths Accreditation​

Download the sample 'Coaching Toolkit' for more ways

Coaching Profiles

Expert Profile

For coaches who are focused on deeper strengths development and want to use the Team Profile. Reveals all 60 strengths and where they feature within the 4 quadrants of realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses. The Profile also identifies Strengths Families to help you identify themes in your coachee’s strengths and action advice to help release the potential in their unrealised strengths. You also have the option to include the strengths career guide recommendations.

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£ 40 +VAT
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Leader Profile

The Leader Profile offers action and support for your coachees in Leading Yourself, Others and your Organisation within their unique 7 realised and unrealised strengths, 4 learned behaviours and 3 weaknesses. It offers development areas within the Strengths Families enabling leaders to recognise strengths patterns be successful through being their best self.

Please Note:The Expert Profile is included with the Leader Profile which provides advice on all 60 strengths. You can upgrade an existing Introductory Profile or Expert Profile using our upgrade profiles.

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£ 70 +VAT
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Team Profile

The Team Profile reveals the combined data across each team member's Expert Profile. It reveals all 60 strengths within the team across the realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses, and includes the Strengths Families. Use to help teams understand their greatest areas for success and any potential areas to address.

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£ 90 +VAT
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Coaching Training

Online Accreditation

Complete the online Strengths Profile Accreditation Programme to give you the theory and best practice to get the most from your coaching conversations. It will give you the confidence, with plenty of practice, to coach with the 60 strengths and the 4 categories. The final session is a live coaching session with a Cappfinity coach.

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£ 995 +VAT
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Master Programme

For Strengths Profile Accredited Practitioners to become an expert in all areas of strengths coaching and take their application and knowledge to the next level. We give you the tools and resources to apply your existing strengths coaching deeper with individuals and also within teams, career and manager development.

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£ 1095 +VAT
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Coaching Toolkit

With 18 strengths conversations ready for you to use, the Coaching Toolkit will help you to apply strengths with your coachees in any situation. It includes focused topics around the popular areas of improving Confidence, Wellbeing, Leadership and Careers.

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£ 245 +VAT
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Team Toolkit

Facilitate your own team development session to help team members share and apply their strengths with our Facilitator Guide and workshop slides. Features 30+ exercises that focus on individual and team strengths, so you can put together a bespoke workshop to suit your team. Topics include self-awareness, goal focus, team SWOT and overcoming challenges.

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£ 245 +VAT
- +

Everyone needs to know their Strengths​

Join over 1 million people already being their Best SELF with Strengths Profile​

  • Individuals

    Struggling with finding happiness and success? Make better life decisions by knowing what you do well and love to do. Find out the careers that match your strengths to make energising choices about your future.​

    Learn More

Success Stories of Strengths Adopters

  • Colleen Boselli

    Principal, Strengths Catalyst Partners

    Discovering Strengths Profile changed my life. For more than 11 years I have worked with Strengths Profile practically every day, bringing it into my coaching and development work with individuals and with teams. It has not only spurred my own growth and development as a person and a professional, but it has enabled me to effectively support the authenticity of thousands of people. I work with Strengths Profile almost to the exclusion of all other business tools. It is sophisticated, intelligent and simply more useful than other tools I have tried. It can help anyone – young or old, any culture or situation – deepen their self-awareness and overcome obstacles.

  • Roxanne Hori

    Founder at Next Act Partners, LLC, formerly Associate Dean at NYU

    I have worked with various assessment instruments in the past, but Strengths Profile is the only one where I see multiple applications. Beyond the personal and professional development uses for students, universities can use it to train student leaders, as a key component of any leadership development program, putting together more impactful study groups and of course great team building. It’s also great for start-ups to help build stronger and more diverse teams for future success. I was a skeptic about going through an accreditation program watching videos, but found the way the training is broken up and delivered made it a fun and easy way to learn. It's very engaging and not only a straight lecture. The best is the practice you get to do with another person who has gone through the program. I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in learning more about strengths and the instrument.

  • Andy Jenkins

    Director, Design for Performance

    Strengths Profile is the best strengths assessment on the market. When I use it with clients, they often comment on how valuable it is as a well-rounded tool that respects them as individuals. It doesn’t assign them a type or a style label(!) like psychometrics often do. As a team coach and facilitator, the conversations it opens up around the impact of learned behaviours, managing energy, building resilience and recognising weaknesses are really powerful. The team SWOT provides great collective insights that senior leadership teams can translate easily into action.

  • Yujuan Wang

    Managing Director | Motivational Speaker, Transformation LAB - Lebanon

    Thank you so much for the Strengths Profile, it’s an amazing tool! I prefer Strengths Profile greatly over other tools. From feedback I’m also confident that this tool is helping others greatly. It offers amazing insights for people to understand themselves, most importantly it raises their level of confidence and self-acceptance by knowing that they do have strengths. This is really important to most Asian people as we’re raised from a culture that appreciates humility over expressing the uniqueness of oneself.

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Try before you buy

If you’re a coach and new to Strengths Profile, you might be eligible for a FREE Expert Profile. Just register for our Free Pilot by clicking the button and completing the form.


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