Leader Profile

Self-awareness in leadership separates good leaders from great leaders. Discover your key leadership strengths, the best way for you to use them and achieve success with this highly personalised and actionable report.

Leader Profile

This all-inclusive leadership report is tailored to who you are as a leader, defines your leadership style and gives direction as to how to lead effectively, in a way that feels the most authentic to you.

As well as mapping your key strengths to the 4 quadrants, we visually interpret your strengths for a truly detailed view, giving you the data and ability to apply to all areas of your leadership.

This is packaged together with practical tips and actions giving you all the tools needed to succeed.

Leader Profile is one tool of Cappfinity’s suite of leadership solutions.

Who Should Use It?

  • Organisations - As a cost-effective opportunity for learning and development programmes, aiming to improve employee performance, and engagement. Help retain your best people by offering training and life-long learnings they can take with them throughout their careers and give leaders the tools to embed a positive culture where people thrive. Scaling the Expert Profile through your organisation will also contribute a significant data source for your organisation’s leadership bench strength and potential.

    This report is also a great add-on as a unique feature for graduate schemes and Apprenticeship programmes, to cut through competition and help them understand their leadership potential.

  • Coaches - As a scalable product to win new business and offer them new ways to approach their leadership vision and development programmes. Use in executive coaching to help leaders identify and develop their leadership style or in career coaching to get people confident and ready for their next promotion.

  • Educators - As an integrated add-on to your post-graduate programmes or certificates to help drive student recruitment and experience. Can also be used for undergraduate qualifications as a focus on employability and getting students career ready for future leadership roles.

  • Individuals - As a personal self-assessment that identifies and develops your leadership style, maximising your effectiveness. Use it to get yourself confident and ready for your next career move. ​

What's Included:

Strengths Quadrant Revealing up to:

  • All the Expert Profile data covering your 60 strengths.
  • Your Top 21 Leadership Strengths across the 4 quadrants of realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses.
  • All 60 strengths ranked in order across the Strengths Families.
  • Your distribution across each Family and tools to take action in all 4 quadrants.
  • Highly personalised and detailed actions for leading others, your organisation and yourself.
  • Flags potential hidden risks for a more holistic view.
  • Expert coaching questions to enhance your reflections.

Positive Impacts:

  • Identifies strengths aligned to your values and helps define your natural leadership style.
  • Practical tips to make a positive difference to others and your organisation.
  • Help realign your goals in ways where you’re more likely to succeed.
  • Empowers you to become the most authentic and successful leader you can be.
Learn more about our other Profiles

Leader Profile

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The Leader Profile is a great addition for use with my current and future clients. It serves as a daily, detailed, practical guide that enables my clients to leverage their strengths more strategically. What’s more, it’s a valuable, inspirational resource for long-term, partnered use in our coaching engagements.

Colleen Boselli
Principal, Strength Catalyst Partners
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The new Leader Profile is a brilliant tool for helping leaders develop their self-awareness to lead effectively, authentically, and embed a strengths-based culture. Feedback from clients has been that their development recommendations are highly accurate and that they have found it more beneficial than other strengths assessment tools to develop themselves and others. For practitioners, Leader Profile supports in-depth coaching conversations on understanding key leadership strengths, leadership style, as well as identifying patterns and hidden risks. It is a valuable addition to my coaching toolkit.

Sharon Quirk
Strengths Consultant, Optimising Strengths

Case Studies

  • Enabling the ‘Building Strengths in Leaders’ programme to strengthen their clients and people

  • The Warwick University logo

    Training the Student Careers team to increase self-awareness and interview and CV confidence

  • Practitioner Colleen shares her insights into strengths coaching and top tips

Learn More

  • Using strengths wisely

    Using our strengths enables us to enjoy endless benefits such as increasing our performance, goal achievement, happiness and confidence – and the list goes on. Be honest though, have you ever overplayed one of your strengths?

  • Explore your Expert Strengths Profile

    You have your Strengths Profile at the ready and are now eager and excited to start making some action plans and do something rewarding with it.

  • Building confidence with strengths

    Many of us will have heard people credit their sense of self-confidence as the key ingredient to their success and accomplishments.

  • How strengths help you achieve your goals

    Making an impact in our careers is a common desire.


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